Werkstatt-Neubau der KVG in der Werftstraße
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Welcome to the KVG Kieler Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH 

On our English website you will find plenty of information about the local traffic in the state capital Kiel as well as insights in the different areas and activities of our company.

If you would like more extensive information on KVG’s services and traffic news, we supply an overview of other content available in German only.


Tickets & prices 

Tickets & prices 

For public transportation in Schleswig-Holstein, state-wide Schleswig-Holstein(SH) fares apply.

Detailed information about the state-wide Schleswig-Holstein(SH) fare is available on the websites www.nah.sh or by phone via the NAH.SH hotline +49 180 5 71 07 07.

Tariff Request

Timetable Planner


As part of an agreement between the Verkehrsverbund Region Kiel (VRK) and some of the hotels in Kiel, their overnight guests can enjoy free rides within the VRK route network (without ferry transport) in zone 4000 (Kiel) and the adjacent regions 3130 (Kiel-Schilksee), 5120 (Klausdorf/Raisdorf), 5130 (Heikendorf/Mönkeberg) and 5140 (Schönkirchen) as well as in the special regions 3110 (Molfsee) and 3140 (Altenholz).

The room card of the respective hotel serves as a ticket.

Hotel tickets are available at:

Hotel Berliner Hof
Ringstraße 6
24103 Kiel
Telephone +49 431 6634-0
Fax +49 431 6634-345

Kaistraße 54-56
24103 Kiel
Telephone +49 431 6643-0
Fax +49 431 6643-499

About KVG 

On December 29, 2001, the traditional Kieler Verkehrsaktiengesellschaft (KVAG) was transformed into a limited company (GmbH) - the KVG Kieler Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH.

The state capital Kiel is a 100 percent shareholder with the owner-operated municipal enterprise of shareholdings as service provider for the local public transportation.

KVG is partner in the Verkehrsverbund Region Kiel (VRK) which is integrate into the state-wide Schleswig-Holstein(SH) fare.

With 38 lines and 9 night bus lines, 870 bus stops in the city of Kiel are serviced every day round the clock and almost 29 million passengers were transported in 2022. This corresponds to more than 11.6 million bus kilometers on the road in 2022. For ticket sales, two of our own ticket offices and about 50 privately operated ticket offices are available.

Der KVG-Betriebshof Werftstraße
© www.fabianfruehling.de

With more than 780 committed employees - 650 of them are bus drivers - KVG plays an important role as an employer.

The depot Werftstraße (total area approximately 35,000 m2) includes, among other things, the administration, workshop and control center. Half of the total of 218 busses is stationed here. The other busses are parked on a sub-area of the depot Diedrichstraße which is approximately 1 kilometer away. 

With these comprehensive offerings, all-round service and modern technology, KVG makes a mark as a reliable partner for the local public transportation (ÖPNV) in Kiel and around the Kieler Förde. 

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